Friday, November 2, 2007


Today is our last day here. There wasn't much excitement which was welcome. We had some paper work to do which didn't take long and had the rest of the day to ourselves. We have come to realize that the schedule from here on out will be much more structured. Before last Sunday, we could eat when we wanted and didn't have to worry about what we took when we went out. We could take a nap if we wanted. Now it's eat every 3 or 4 hours, make sure you carry a bottle or sippy cup, diapers, wipes, snacks, fruit drink, formula, jacket, and blanket. We have to figure out when Natalie cries, if it's just me, or she's hungry or she's wet. This, as it turns out, is not a movie. Be afraid, be very afraid! Tonight we found out that if you take her bowl away, when she remembers it's gone, "Let the wailing begin"! We had been packing and wanted to see how Natalie would do in her "carry pouch" and she went nuts. We were trying to see if it was pinching her someplace and finally remembered that we had taken her bowl from her while putting her in the pouch, so we gave it back and after letting us know our mistake, she settled down.

Natalie and Stephanie continue to grow closer and Natalie seems to be warming up to me too! She still doesn't want me to touch her much, but it's better than yesterday and she has realized that I am excellent provider of food, most of the time. This morning when I fixed her bottle, she took a couple of sips and handed it back to me because it was too hot. She had a look in her eye that said, "Look buddy, this is the only purpose you serve, don't make me call the manager"! So I cooled it and gave it back. She didn't say "thanks pop", but I could see the appreciation in her eyes.

We did make a trip in a taxi to walmart. Needed another suitcase. It seems everything is expanding! While there, Steph had to make a restroom run, so I got to hold Natalie again. Although she screamed like I was skinning her, she didn't try to pull away for about a minute. I even found a mirror so she could admire herself, but that didn't even work. Poor chinese people in the area gave me the dirtiest looks. I am glad I can't read minds. Steph made it back in few minutes and Nat was happy as a lark!

We fly out tomorrow to another province to do the USA paper work. We are on the down hill slide now. We are having a blast, but missing home!

Hope you are well. God Bless!


Teresa said...

Love it!!!! So much fun. I can't believe you need another suitcase already and you haven't even been to Guangzhou yet. HAHA. She looks so happy and have I said beautiful yet??

Can't wait till the 9th,
Teresa and the gang

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Jubal! Sounds like you're doing a great job (even if you are just a food and beverage provider!) Haha! Just kiddin'.